Pigment Red 166-Corimax Red RN

Seznam parametrů produktu

Číslo indexu barevPigment Red 166
Jméno výrobkuCorimax Red RN
Kategorie produktůOrganické pigmenty
Stálost světla (povlak)7
Tepelná odolnost (povlak)180
Stálost světla (plast)7-8
Tepelná odolnost (plast)280
Distribuce odstínů

Doporučeno pro automobilové barvy, architektonické barvy, průmyslové barvy, práškové barvy, tiskové pasty, PVC, guma, PS, PP, PE, PU, inkousty na vodní bázi, inkousty na bázi rozpouštědel, UV inkousty.
Navrženo pro cívkové povlaky, ofsetové barvy.

MSDS(Pigment Red 166)

Other red pigments: Pigment Red 170, Pigmentová červená 122, Pigment Red 254. These products are also the main products of Zeya, with high sales and good quality. If you are interested in these products, you can visit the product page for details.

Související informace

English name: Cromophtal Scarlet R (CGY)
English alias: CIPigment Red 166; PR166; Disazo Scarlet; Cromophtal Scarlet R; 2-Naphthalenecarboxamide, N, N'-1,4-phenylenebis [4-[(2,5-dichlorophenyl) azo] -3-hydroxy- ; Pigment Red 166; CI 20730
CAS number: 3905-19-9; 71819-52-8
EINECS number: 223-460-6
Molecular formula: C40H24Cl4N6O4
Molecular weight: 794.4684
InChI: InChI = 1 / C40H24Cl4N6O4 / c41-23-9-15-31 (43) 33 (19-23) 47-49-35-27-7-3-1-5-21 (27) 17-29 ( 37 (35) 51) 39 (53) 45-25-11-13-26 (14-12-25) 46-40 (54) 30-18-22-6-2-4-8-28 (22) 36 (38 (30) 52) 50-48-34-20-24 (42) 10-16-32 (34) 44 / h1-20,51-52H, (H, 45,53) (H, 46, 54)

Molekulární struktura :

Fyzikální a chemické vlastnosti:

Hue or light: yellow light red
Relative density: 1.57
Bulk density / (lb / gal): 13.08
Melting point / ℃: 340
Tvar částic: jehla
Specific surface area / (m2 / g): 26
Hodnota pH / (10% kaše): 7
Oil absorption / (g / 100g): 55
Krycí síla: průsvitná

Použití produktu:

Pigment Red 166 has a pure yellow light red color. It is mainly used for coloring plastics and printing inks. It is resistant to migration in soft PVC, has medium coloring strength, hiding power, good light resistance and weather fastness; it can be heat-resistant in HDPE To 300 ° C, the transparent type has a light resistance of level 8. It is also used for coloring polyacrylonitrile, polystyrene, and rubber. It is also recommended for high-end industrial automotive coatings, packaging printing inks and metal decorative printing inks.